"T” means Triangle‧Table
The idea of "T” comes from honeycombs which are infinite extensible and high plasticity, masterpiece of nature. You can find various combinations in "T” by simple steps of assembly
Designer of Yuan wants to present the product by integrating the natural elements and contemporary craftsmanship
By opening up the fine packing, meticulous lines of “T” allow you to experience the art of simplicity. The highlight of “T” is an equilateral triangle that can be simply assembled by tenon tactics
“T” is made of Betula plywood which is not only is environmental friendly, but also presents layers of wood on it. Grain of Betula shows the soft side of wood and creates the sense of freshness and naturality in furnitures
“T “Table 有三角‧茶几的含意
設計意念根據六角形的蜂巢為藍本,以其無限延伸的特性設計出一張易於安裝的桌子.“T “Table可自由組合成不同形狀及大小,可塑性很大, 而單獨存在卻又不失設計感
組裝前“T “Table的每一份組件可完美嵌合為等邊三角形 , 細膩的線條讓顧客在打開包裝時已有視覺的享受, 而結構的方面純以卯榫工藝作為整個桌子的支撐
桌子材料為樺木板, 使用此材質不但比實木更環保,而且側面更可看到一層一層木的層次.木面細膩柔和光滑 , 木紋自然 ,令傢具保留了有木材原本的感覺

Type: Products, Side Table
Size: L33 x W38 x H45cm
Max. load: 25 kg
Material: Birch Plywood
Weight: 1.9KG
Date: 2017 January