The idea of T20 comes from the early stage of planet formation. Icosahedron is the symbol of a new planet in the universe; designer wants to imitate the formation
of furious collision, while core combustion and the rocky crust forging are in progress.
When you light up the yellow mode, you will see the flow of lava beneath the crust. And it can also turn your room into a Planetarium when you switch to the white mode.
Light source is being placed in the centre and embedded with mirror pieces. They not only reinforce the luminosity, but also visualize the nucleus of a star in the meanwhile.
T20 is in combination with embellishment and lighting.
It is made of more than 100 pieces of Acrylic parts
By using the skill of inward assembly, it left no trace of
installation on the surfaceWireless attribute fits anywhere
in your home with 8 hours rechargeable battery
概念來自新星球誕生的過程, 火球在中心不斷撞撃和燃燒的力量, 以及表面漸漸凝固的岩石設計師以正二十面體的幾何來表達凝聚中的新星體透過在邊線投射出的光源,黃光的T20可呈現熔岩燃燒中的內在力量而日光和白光的模式可令你在完全黑暗的環境中恍如置身銀河系的中心
工藝方面為營造出星球核心部份的效果, 令光源由中心點發出設計師以折線幾何的線位導出光源再用上鏡面反射, 加強折線上光度, 呈現出新星的光芒
T20是一件結合擺設和燈具的設計用上超過100件磨砂黑和鏡面壓克力的配件以隱藏方式的裝嵌,表面毫無接駁痕跡配合可充電式的LED組件, 使用時間長達8小時不受電線的限制, 放置在家中不同位置, 帶你離開地球表面
Type: Products, Table Lamp
Size: L14 x W12.6 x H11.8cm
Material: Acrylic
Colour: black/mirror
Weight: 265g
Charge Time: 3 hours
Battery life: 8 hours
Hue ambience:
warm white,cool white, warm yellow
- As the light can be dimmed, you are able to
choose lighting suitable for every occasion
Date: 2017 August