Concrete Lamp
The concept of Concrete Lamp comes from polygons and polylines. There are 3 designs in total. You will find the sense of déjà vu by looking at 3 different shapes of lamp
Lamp No. 1
Hexagon - debut product with the simplest configures in this series. When lines of two hexagons gyrate to the top and bottom side, you can see a diamond pattern from the aerial view. It is an extraordinary way to present the beauty of lines intersection.
Concrete and Brass are originated materials that commonly used in construction industry. There is no denying that they can overcome the baptism of time. They would be endowed with unique appearances as time goes by, like cinnamon brass, which is time evidence of the natural progression.
Concrete Lamp will be an atypical, perpetual ornament in your home.
水泥燈的概念來自於無限多邊形, 透過不同角度的折線, 創造出俐落的線條
此系列共三個款式,三款外形完全不同的檯燈, 卻會找到似曾相識的感覺
六角水泥燈-這是首個推出的產品, 短身的設計讓你從頂部向下望時,會看見上層是一個六角形,而底層是一個另一個角度不同的六角形 (平面看下時會看見鑽石的形),你會看到中層的三角形仿佛因這兩個六角形旋轉而衍生,從而感受到線條的魅力
採用的物料可看到不少的建築元素 - 水泥‧黃銅,原始,可經得起時間考驗的材料,兩者皆會隨歲月變化而產生形成獨特的面貌, 黃銅更會因這自然的過程漸漸變為棕黃,古銅色等,令水泥燈成為獨特而嶲永的擺設

Type: Products, Table Lamp
Size: L8.5 x W8 x H16cm
(Cord length: 140 cm)
Material: Concrete, Brass
Colour: White, Dark grey, Light grey
Weight: 0.49KG
Date: 2016 December